Mastering the Parisian Chic

I've been listening to it for years: The Parisian women are the most chic women in the world. And I always wondered: But why? What makes the women who live in Paris look so fashionable and chic all the time? At my last trip to Paris I decided to "investigate" and understand the secrets behind the notorious "Parisian Chic". 

During my "investigation", I discovered that everything anyone ever said for the Parisian girls is true. Their style is confident, feminine and chic. But how do they do it? Here are some simple ways to master the Parisian chic style:


No1 rule for the Parisian women: Keep it simple. The majority of women in Paris don't go wild with their style. They love monochrome, they prefer simple lines and their shoes are feminine but not over the top. Also, their accessories are very low key. You won't see any big statement necklaces in the street of Paris. 

*The white shirt

I'm not a big fan of the white shirt (mostly because I haven't found the right fit for my figure) but Parisian women know how to make it look stylish and effortessly chic. The secret is to buy a good quality shirt that it would fit perfectly on your body. One of the best fashion investements you'll ever make. 

*Flat shoes

Parisian women are not afraid to wear flats. We might wear them just for comfort or because its quite difficcult to stand on our heels while we are packed inside the tube, but Parisians do it for more fashionable reasons. They embrace them and make them look like the most important piece in their wardrobe. 

*Black rules!
Forget bright colors and bold prints. Parisian women love black and are not afraid to show it. Even when they choose an other color they go for grey, dark green or grey. Nothing too bright and wild. You can never loose wearing black, right? 

If you want to go in more depth about the Parisian chic style, I would suggest a weekend trip to Paris or a look at the following books. Oh la la la! 
