Skincare secrets from all over the world!

In every country in the world there are those older and wiser women who know so many skin care secrets that we, “the younger ones”, have no idea about! So, we discovered some old but really good skincare treatments from all over the world that you will fall in love with! 

Take a bath with… milk! (France)
It’s not the easiest thing and it’s not something you can add on your daily beauty routine but once in a while you can spend some extra milk to feel like Cleopatra.
According to the French women, pouring milk in a bathtub full of hot water is the best treatment for glowing skin. Lactic acid, which includes in milk, helps to smooth the skin without all the chemicals that the usual scrubbing products have. Just pour 2 or 3 cups of milk in your hot water bathtub and enjoy it as much as you can. 

A face mask made from… grapes! (Chile)
Undoubtedly, grapes taste good but also help us to look more beautiful. The women of Chile already know that, so they make beauty masks of grapes.
Now, you can do the same: Just make a grape purée, pour some flour so it can hold everything together and apply it to your face. Leave the mask on your face for about 10 minutes and then rinse with hot water. 

Wash your face with… rise water! (China)
You boil rise to eat and then you use the boiled water to clean your face! Chinese women use this technique for years because it helps to clear your pores and lets your skin shine! So the next time you boil rise… you know what to do!   

Get rid of dark circles with a… potato! (Spain)
You wake up in the morning and the dark circles under your eyes are darker than your little black dress? The Spanish women cut thin slices of potato and they apply them on their eyes for a few minutes. It’s the perfect trick to help your eyes look well rested even if you are way far from it!

By Lina Grivogianni
